The Cost of Being Healthy

I was listening to Dr. Hyman's podcast, and he said something that really resonated with me.
He said that if there were a pill that could provide weight loss, dopamine, improved blood flow, enhanced mental clarity, better skin, and longer life—it would be a top-selling drug.
How much would you be willing to pay for it?  
Chances are... it’d sell for hundreds or thousands of dollars a pop.
But the reality is, that "pill" already exists. And it's completely free. It's called exercise. 
I've heard this sentiment echoed in different forms before... the idea that the best prescription for a healthy life is a combination of exercise, sunshine, clean food, and deep relationships.
Imagine if more people were prescribed exercise first, before the drugs.
Of course, medication has its place, and advancements in medicine and technology have been a net positive for society. But I truly believe that exercise and a healthy lifestyle should be at the forefront of any treatment plan. I also believe that exercise is paramount for a vibrant life.
So much so, in fact, that I’m on a team riding across America next week. I’ve been training, and I’m super excited about the challenge! But more importantly, my friends and I are riding in support of the Bikes for Kids Foundation, raising money to provide bikes and helmets to 3rd graders in a Title 1 School (poverty-level). We all have childhood memories of riding our bikes... and we all know how much exercise can positively impact our health.
So what's the cost of being healthy? For us, it may be time and commitment. For these kids, every donation of $135 provides a bike and a helmet. Keep reading below to learn how you can be part of the ride, and help us give 3,000 kids the same opportunity!

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