Everything Is An Audition

In 2023, I worked on a book called Always Go to the Funeral. I haven't decided what to do with it yet—it's waiting in the wings.

But today, I want to share a little excerpt that I think offers some valuable advice for everyone, myself included. Here it is:

Once upon a time, my wife Sara appeared on a reality show called The Rebel Billionaire. It was like The Apprentice but hosted by the adventurous Richard Branson. The show featured daring stunts such as walking on a three-inch-wide steel beam between two hot air balloons 10,000 feet in the air! Though Sara didn’t win (or fall), she received high praise for her performance.
The show began with contestants arriving at an airport, each greeted by a seemingly broken-down old taxi. The driver was an elderly, frail gentleman who struggled with putting their luggage in the trunk.
Some contestants, including Sara, helped him with the bags, while others ignored or even showed disdain. What they didn’t know was that the driver was Richard Branson in disguise. One particularly rude contestant was eliminated before the first stunt for his handling of the situation.
The point of this story? The competition wasn’t just about bravery; it was also a test of character.
You might not encounter a cab driven by a billionaire in disguise, but the principle remains: every moment in your life impacts the next. When you borrow money from a friend, you're auditioning for their trust. When you tackle a work project, you're auditioning for future opportunities. Even when you order a drink at the bar, you're auditioning for the bartender's attention later in the night.
In essence, EVERYTHING is an AUDITION. Each interaction, action, and decision is a chance to show your character and capabilities. How you perform today will shape the roles available to you tomorrow.
So, remember, every moment, no matter how small, is a chance to show your true self—because in the grand audition of life, every performance counts.

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