"Having found his métier in motivation, seven years ago, Itzler is determined to become its leading practitioner. He believes that what we really want is to feel proud of ourselves. His chief method for instilling pride is to set physical challenges so difficult that you must discover something new within yourself to meet them."

"We have ways to measure so many key metrics in our lives. We step on a scale to check our weight, tax brackets measure income and we take an IQ test for intelligence. In his talk, entrepreneur and inspirational speaker Jesse Itzler provides a simple :10 second test to both gauge your overall happiness level and to identify the things that make you unhappy."

"We have ways to measure so many key metrics in our lives. We step on a scale to check our weight, tax brackets measure income and we take an IQ test for intelligence. In his talk, entrepreneur and inspirational speaker Jesse Itzler provides a simple :10 second test to both gauge your overall happiness level and to identify the things that make you unhappy."

"You don't know where the nuggets will come from. You put yourself in a position for the nuggets to appear... You don't have to be radical, but you put yourself in positions where you can live a life where those lessons find you."

"Jesse Itzler had a singular focus in college. While his contemporaries were struggling to secure internships, Jesse launched his hip hop career in his dorm room. He eventually won an Emmy for “I Love This Game” and his New York Knicks’ theme song, “Go NY Go,” became a fan favorite.
In 2001, he co-founded Marquis Jet, which he built into a multi-billion dollar company before selling it to Berkshire Hathaway in 2009."

"The concept of EVERESTING, or ‘29029’, aimed at the broader group looking to challenge themselves within a community of like-minded people searching for their personal Mt. Everest. Co-Founders Marc Hodulich, Jesse Itzler and Colin O’Brady sought to bring ‘Everest’ closer to reality for such like-minded people. They asked, “What if we brought Mt. Everest to you? If one of the world’s toughest challenges was right on your doorstep, would you hike with us?"

"Jesse Itzler’s Everest-Sized Hike Will Change Your Life
The former white-boy rapper and mega-successful serial entrepreneur has become a bestselling wellness author and Tony Robbins-style life coach. His latest venture, a highly social weekend of walking up mountains until you drop, called 29029, is pitched as a new breed of restorative endurance event. But is this just a brutal group hike with good marketing?"

"In studying the lives of truly exceptional men and women, you generally find two things they all share. The first is that, when presented in black and white, their lives seem almost like an impossible work of fiction. The second thing you find is that each of these amazing folks can never truly articulate how they managed to lead such fascinating lives.
Jesse Itzler epitomizes both of these hallmarks of truly exceptional men and women."