Free Swim

Things Could Be Better

Let's try an experiment.     How could you make your workout routine different?     Take a moment and really think about it. 

Ride of A Lifetime

This bike ride across the country has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. As I pedal through the desert, a few thoughts have been swirling around in my head.   First off, focu...

Yes, and...

I was recently a guest on a podcast, and the host asked me, "Why do you run? What are you running from? How come you're always running and doing sh*t?"     He was trying to be cute, but I was taken...

The Cost of Being Healthy

I was listening to Dr. Hyman's podcast, and he said something that really resonated with me.   He said that if there were a pill that could provide weight loss, dopamine, improved blood flow, enha...

Three Frogs on a Log

Perhaps you’ve heard this riddle, or maybe not. Either way, I think it’s worth sharing.    Q: There are three frogs on a log, and one decides to jump off. How many are left?  

Perspective is Worth 80 IQ Points

I used to think that my limits were set in stone, and that my body could only handle so much.     For example, I started running in 1990, fresh out of college. I wasn’t a runner, so my goal was mo...

Like A Rubik's Cube

As some of you know, time is a topic I like to talk about. The clock is always ticking. But I also believe it’s never too late to start something new. Let me throw in a quote:...

Turning Lemonade... into Lemons!

Well, it wasn't lemonade, it was rocks. My kids had set up a stand, selling their painted rocks as artwork, just like a lemonade stand. They had made signs, displayed the rocks, and spent the day ...